3 Must Do’s to Prolong the Longevity of Exterior Paint Work

With the Australian summer around the corner, you might be looking at the possibility of repainting your home. If you are in need of a repaint, experts recommend that it should be done in this time of year whether it’s a DIY job or you’re bringing in a professional. For one thing, rain is less of an issue and water/humidity in the air is lower, meaning paint can be applied more easily and dries more quickly.
If you are planning on repainting for the summer months, there are some things you can do to ensure the work is maintained for as long as possible. Caring for the exterior of your home can go a long way in saving you money on improvements in the long run. Check out these 3 ways to make sure your new paint coating lasts as long as possible.
Choose a High Quality Paint

If you are doing the exterior painting work yourself, we would encourage to you to reconsider. Empirical evidence shows time and time again that with a professional painting company, you’ll be adding years to the life of the paintwork. But if you do choose the DIY option, do the research on the paint type that is ideal for the surface you’ll be painting on. We’d highly recommend making the investment on a top quality paint as in the long-run, the benefits will be well worth it. Australian weather can be harsh at the best of times, so a top of the range paint is really a must if you want the paint job to last 5-10 years.
Regular High Pressure Cleaning
Ideally, you’ll want to wash the exterior of the building with high pressure cleaner every year. This removes dust, salt, dirt, grime and mould that naturally builds up and can, in fact, break down the paint film more quickly than it otherwise would. Water and/or detergent should be used and in extreme cases you can get the bleach involved too.
Tending to Your Garden

Mould build-up is one of the biggest reasons paint work deteriorates. Not only does it give the house the appearance of being dirty, but it damages the paint as well. If you take the time to prune, trim and generally maintain your garden (particularly the flower beds, trees and bushes that are in close proximity with the exterior of your house), you’ll make it more difficult for mould to collect on the sides of your house.
As you might have guessed, proper cleaning and caring for the painted surface is the most important part of maintaining the exterior paint work. If you carefully maintain these three tasks on regular basis, it’s pretty much guaranteed that your painting would last extra 2-3 years than usual. So why not put a little effort on that!
There might be some issues or suggestions from your end and we Joyce Painting are always here to help you out. So don’t hesitate to contact our specialist exterior house painters in Melbourne if you ever want to share something with us.