Dulux Accredited

Why Choose a Dulux Accredited Professional Painter?

Dulux Accredited painters have been recognized by Dulux as being leaders in the painting industry by meeting certain criteria. Their commitment to professionalism, quality, reliability, customer service and overall high standard of workmanship is your assurance of a quality paint job and trades person.


Dulux Accredited Painters use premium quality products from Dulux, indicating they are professional and quality painters. They take pride in their work and workmanship which results in customer satisfaction and a quality paint job.


Dulux Accredited painters are reliable and will arrive on time or telephone you. Their reputation is important to them that’s why Dulux have selected them.


Do other painters have the skills for the project, who knows? Dulux Accredited painters have been hand picked for being the best in the painting industry. To maintain quality, professionalism, high standard of workmanship, reliability, great customer service then you need to have the right skills


When considering a painter, don’t just consider price, this is just a short term issue. If you have to repaint or repair the work of the cheaper quotation then maybe it’s no longer cheaper. Also if this person is prepared to do a cheaper job then what corners have they cut to achieve their goal? To make money. Dulux Accredited painters avoid those issues by supplying up to date references, only usingpaints which look better and last longer than cheaper brands.

All Dulux Accredited painters have met the following criteria:

  • Have public liability insurance up to one million dollars.
  • Signed an agreement that commits them to working with the highest ethical and professional standards.
  • Providing two written client references from work completed in the last 12 months.
  • Attending regular Dulux Accredited workshops on products and applications including the yearly seminar held in different states.
  • Committed to using Dulux premium products and quality workmanship monitored by Dulux.