4 Most Effective Secrets of A Professional Painter

If you’re a homeowner, it’s no secret that having a bit of knowledge and skill to be able to keep your house well maintained is well worthwhile. In the case of painting, while it’s unlikely you can give your exterior or interior the finish a quality professional painter can, having the skills to be able to brush up or add a new coat every so often is very valuable. For the big jobs, you’ll want to 

speak to a reputated professional painting company but for the smaller touch ups and even single room re-coats, you can manage yourself in many cases. Let’s take a look at some of the tricks professional painters have up their sleeves.

Cleaning Is Key

It’s probably the simplest part that a professional painter follows in their painting process. Yet it’s arguably the most important part, so it’s not something to take lightly. Painting on a surface that has even just a little bit of microscopic dust or dirt can significantly reduce the quality of the finish. Cleaning the entire room before painting - dusting and vacuuming is a must.

Avoid Plastic Drop Cloths

Drop cloth

There’re a number of reasons canvas drop cloths are the preferred option for professionals. For one, they pose serious safety issues - wet paint on plastic is a slipping hazard waiting to happen. Further, they can only be used once and are very flexible. Canvas drop cloths actually move far less and soak up any paint that is spilled. They can also be angled around doorways where you’d have to use two plastic cloths. Canvas cloths are slightly more expensive but it’s well worth the investment if you plan to paint at your home semi-regularly.

Level Out The Surface

Level out the surface

If you want the ideal finish you’ll want to fill in any dents or hoes with a sparkling compound or wood filler (these can be purchased at hardware stores). You may think that painting over the top will hard these imperfections in the wall but actually the opposite is true - they tend to become more noticeable.

A less expensive option to sand away flaws with sanding paper to even up the surface using minimal pressure when you do it. This can even up smaller dents, nail holes, and other crevices that may be present. Just remember that for those bigger holes you may need to take further measures.

Use A Paint Bucket Roller Grid

Using a Paint Bucket Roller Grid

If you’re applying a new coat of paint of repainting an entire room, you may find that using a roller is quicker and easier. If this is the case, the professional painters strongly suggest investing in a paint bucker roller grid, rather than using a conventional tray. Most professional paintes in Melbourne go for the former because of how much more convenient it is compared to a tray. A roller tray can easily be tipped over, isn’t easy at all to move around and doesn’t exactly give you the most consistent distribution of paint on the roller. A bucket grid can be carried with you while paint and rolling the roller across the grid a few times will take away the excess paint that is common when using a tray.

Keep an eye on our blog! We’ll be sharing more tricks of the trade in the coming months to help you get the best results for your DIY paint work.For everything else, remember to call Joyce Painting in Melbourne for the highest quality painting service at an affordable price.

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